Wonderful Website: Public Domain Review
I stumbled across Public Domain Review when looking for information on a crazy awesome tile panel I saw in Lisbon called Casamento da Galinha featuring weird green monkeys and a chicken in a horse drawn carriage.
Wonderful Website: Public Domain Review
This fantastic site collects weird and wonderful ancient works that are in the public domain, and curates them into short articles, image compilations as well as more in depth analyses.
Have you ever thought about rainbows in ancient art? What about drawings of medieval animals playing instruments? Would you read a novel written via Ouija Board? Or maybe you are a fan of 9th century calligrams. Oh hell, do you even know what those are? I sure didn’t but wow – so super cool.

If you are interested in ancient manuscripts, quirky art and other esoteric items you can get lost on the Public Domain Review website for hours. Be sure to check out their Instagram as well.